Wednesday, March 31, 2010

La Tahzan.........


What happen to me? I'm so really down today. I'm not confident in answer biochemistry paper today at all. Last two papers, i was very confident to answer those questions, but today is something that I don't expect. Is it i'm not fully prepared at all?? Whatever we think,we feel, do not think negative, but try to think positive (husnuzzan) to His qada' and qadar. For sure, there is hikmah behind what happen today. So, praise to Allah, because of Him we still alive, is given a chance to correct ourselves, to repair our attitude and our life study and never give up to always ask Him for our success in this world and hereafter.

For return back my smile, my happiness, to release my tension, I would like to share with you about our NOSE. What is the story behind it??Do you know? Let me tell you..I'll story to you all in Malay words to make this story more happening ok??let's enjoy this story!!

Biar berulang baca, agar lekat kat hati!!!!(n_n)

Hadis Abu Hurairah r.a : Nabi Muhammad S.A.W telah bersabda :

" Apabila seseorang dari kamu bangkit dari tidur, maka hendaklah dia memasukkan air ke dalam hidung dan menghembusnya sebanyak 3 kali kerana sesungguhnya syaitan tidur di dalam rongga hidungnya iaitu ketika dia tidur (Muslim)"

Malah. ada org jatuh cinta kerana terpesona dengan hidung seseorang. Tahukah kita, hidung adalah salah satu anggota badan yang amat diminati syaitan??Masa yang paling sesuai dikunjungi oleh syaitan adalah ketika kita sedang nyenyak tidur..

Ketika itu syaitan akan berkumpul di dalam hidung. Tidak di ketahui pula dengan tepat kenapa dia suka sangat dengan lubang hidung kita dan tidak tahu ape program yang dia buat. Tetapi ia boleh menganggu keupayaan kita untuk bangun dari tidur.

Membersihkannya sebaik sahaja bangun dari tidur adalah satu amalan yang dilakukan baginda Rasulullah S.A.W selain daripada bersugi. Bayangkan lah syaitan buat sarang dalam hidung kita, macam-macam die bikin daa...huhuhu (macam-macam ada)

Oleh itu, bersihkanlah sebaik sahaja bangun dari tidur. Cara nak membersihkannya, berselawatlah dan gunakan lah jari yang paling kecil, dan bersihkanlah dengan perlahan.JANGAN GUNAKAN JARI YANG BESAR ATAU SEBARANG OBJEK KERANA DIKHUATIRI HIDUNG AKAN TERCEDERA ATAU BULU HIDUNG AKAN TERTANGGAL, BOLEH JADI JUGA, LUBANG HIDUNG AKAN MENJADI LUAS MACAM SEROMBONG KAPAL DAA......kui3..

Nak letak sabun pun boleh, tetapi jangan le banyak sangat, nanti berbuih pulak lubang hidung tu, boleh lemas...kan susah nanti..Setakat nie, tiada seorang pun yang sanggup buat CPR melalui lubang hidung ekh....huhuhu

Kalau teringat, sama-samalah kita mengamalkannya kerana melalui hidunglah kita menyedut udara pemberian Allah dan dapat menghidu bau syurga (ini bergantung kepada amalan masing-masing)..Akhir kata.....

"Walaupun dirimu tidak ku kenal, tetapi lubang hidung mu menjadi pujaan hatiku...hahahaha"

That's all from me.. I hope, we get the messages from this story. Last but not least, together we KOREK HIDUNG after wake up for doing Subuh prayer...hehehee~(sape-sape xbangun tu...paham-paham la ekh sebab ape..)=)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Salam.huh,long time no see my blog..huhuhu

how are you,guys?huhu..recently, i've seated for two exams which are Islamic and Civilization, and Bahasa Melayu for Science Students(Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa,ceeewwwaaahh!!). Alhamdulillah, I got no problem with this two exams, I hope, for the upcoming exams, there will be no problems,insya allah.

Okay, today, I would like to share with you all, about some stories, related to our daily life in doing some decisions, or our manner to advice our friends about something that we are not satisfied.

Do you know story about Luqman Al-Hakim and his son, and a himar??,if not, let me tell you..It is a nice story and we can get lessons from this story.(n_n)/

One day, Luqman Al-Hakim and his son wanted to go some places with his himar. Then his rode on the himar while he walked. After a few hour, they arrived at a village and he heard some of the people talked about them..

People said," the son is so rude, how come he let his father walks, while he rides on the himar??"

Then, he asked his son to walk while he rode on the himar. Then, they through agaian a village and heard some of the people talked about them..

People said," how come the son is walking and the father is so relax, riding on the himar??that son is look so pity".

Then, both of them walked, and no one rode on the himar. They tghrough again a village and some people still talked about them..

People said," They are so stupid!!They have a himar, but dont want to rode on it.What the foolish..

After that,both of them rode on himar. The himar walked so slowly, like a snail, because they are so heavy. Then, they through the last village, where they should stop. He heard some of the people still talked about them again and again.

People said," how come both of them ride on himar??The himar look so pity.They are cruel to that animal!"

Then he thought for a while, why people are still talked about them again. Is it he did some mistakes?There is one option that they do not try yet, which is, they have to bring up the himar to return home.Then the son is so shocked!!In his mind, thought whether his father is ok or crazy to doing such thing??huhuhu

So, the conclusion from the story that I want to tell you, where ever we are, we are still expose to the "unsatisfaction" by some communities, even in our physical state. Together we strengthen our ukhuwah by think positive(husnuzzan) to our friends and some decisions that they have been made.Okay??huhuhu..

That's all. thank you for read...\(n_n)/
